The rambling thoughts and ponderings of a homeschooling mother of five, um, make that six.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Day 21 (and 22) of 31 Days of Peace
Okay, wives, I"m not letting up on you tonight. Wish I could, but it seems pretty clear that this is an important issue in creating an environment of peace.
Proverbs 21:9
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
Proverbs 25:24
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
No, that is not a typo. You read that correctly. Twice in the book of Proverbs we have the same passage. Not just pretty similar idea, the same. Admittedly, I haven't read it in the original, if you have please let us know, but when you check the different versions, they still match.
If the previous verses we discussed on Days 19 and 20 say it is better to live in the desert than with a nagging wife and compare a nagging wife to a leaking roof, and twice we read it would be better to live outside on the roof than in a (many translations indicate large) house with a nagging wife, can we really deny the need to address this in ourselves?
Remember, moms, what you model becomes acceptable to your sons. Would you be happy to hear a daughter-in-law talk to your son like you talk to your husband?
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Holiday World 2011!
Baby # 6
Welcome to the world and welcome to our crazy family!
Fort Benning

We finally made it to Georgia!!!

Just a day at the park!

My Hero!

I don't do dead things. Fortunately for me, God gave me boys!
Much awaited 2009 PJs from Daddy!
Daddy and Grandma make Jammies every year for the kids, They love it!
Christmas in PJs
Don't I just have the cutest kids?
2010 Jammies
Once again Daddy pulled it off. They look cute!
Round 2 birthday parties

Cake number 1 of 3 done. I am so not an artist, but I think it came out pretty well!

My Girls
Borrowed dance clothes, my girls sure look cute.
Couped up

More images below showing the children feeling a bit "couped up" from the long winter!
Chickens: Take 2

Cute chicks!

The robot cake. I am glad my kids' standards aren't as high as mine!
Tree Climbers

Summer Fun!

Hi Daddy! Hope you are having fun at work!

This one is so bad, I had to label the cake so you would know it's not a cow!
Dressed for Church!

Come as your favorite Bible character night!

Too cute for words!

If the boy wasn't so tall, I could get a picture of his face!

Establishing the pecking order!


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